Site Carpentry apprenticeships

Level 2 and 3 apprenticeships to help you master your trade.

From roof trusses to mitre worktops, carpenters are responsible for creating all kinds of timber structures for architectural and decorative use.

Site carpentry earning potential

The average Site Carpenter earns £15,000 – £52,000 per year (, and once you’ve gained your qualifications you can either work for a company or become self-employed.

Henry's story

19-year-old Henry is a Level 4 Carpentry Apprentice. Having spent time helping his Father renovating a Victorian Bakery during lockdown, Henry discovered he had a natural talent and passion for Carpentry and began his Apprenticeship training with ACE in 2020.

Henry has proven to be an exceptionally committed and talented Apprentice and in 2023 Henry was shortlisted as a Finalist for the ‘Brick Awards’ Apprentice of the Year & is currently shortlisted as a finalist for the OXLEP Apprentice of the Year Awards.

It has been great being in a different environment at ACE as you are surrounded by people of your own age which is very different to being on site. You make new friends whilst learning your craft and receive the support and guidance from highly-skilled and experienced tutors.

The tutors treat you as an adult and offer advice and support at all times. Plus, you are assigned a personal Course Coordinator who is there for you for every step of the way!

I think it is all a learning curve as each different project and site presents different challenges as there are different teams who communicate differently. It can be daunting taking ownership of a project but I do enjoy that type of challenge and you learn so much from it.

I was recently a guest speaker at a Human Library careers event at The Bicester School and my advice to the students was to have a goal to work towards, surround yourself by the right people to support your goal, and don’t shy away from any opportunities!

Short term plans are to finish my training and enjoy being on the tools and see projects through to completion. Then long term I will be looking at site managing.

Apprenticeship Site Carpentry (Level 2)

ACE delivers the new Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship standard. Apprentices will achieve a Level 2 National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) to demonstrate competency in their chosen occupation.

This apprenticeship involves carrying out skilled work primarily using timber products, either on a construction site, or in a workshop, as well as creating and installing building components.

This is a core and options apprenticeship, with two pathways:

Pathway 1: NVQ Level 2 Diploma in Wood Occupations – Site Carpentry

Pathway 2:Site Carpenter will normally work on a building site, or in domestic and commercial premises, preparing and fixing building components, from the initial erection of a new building, through to the installation of all necessary fixtures and fittings, as well as a range of repair and maintenance activities.

Apprentices will complete or have previously completed recognised English and Mathematics Level 1 qualifications and aspire to achieve English and Mathematics Level 2 qualifications during the apprenticeship.

Assessment will take place both during and at the end of the apprenticeship, with completion being dependent on successful achievement of the qualification elements and the endorsement of the employer after a professional discussion with the apprentice and the training provider.

Advanced Apprenticeship Site Carpentry (Level 3)

The Advanced Carpenter is able to undertake complex job tasks that require high levels of practical skills and knowledge, in addition to managing their own work and leading small teams.

The main differences between a Level 2 Site Carpenter and a Level 3 Advanced Site Carpenter are that the Advanced Carpenter has responsibility for managing their own and other people’s work, as well as completing complex and non-standard work. Examples of complex tasks include curved products, irregular joints, and bespoke projects.

You will undertake the Advanced Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship Standard. This is a core and options apprenticeship, with two pathways:

Pathway 1: NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Wood Occupations – Site Carpentry

Pathway 2: An Advanced Site Carpenter will normally work on a building site, or in domestic and commercial premises, preparing and installing complex and often bespoke building components e.g. high quality doors, shaped linings, staircases with turns, complex wall and floor units, erecting bespoke structural carpentry (inclined roofs and joists) and erecting complex roof structures (e.g. inclined roofs with hips, valleys and dormers).

Apprentices must achieve a Level 3 National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) to demonstrate competency in their chosen occupation.

Apprentices must complete, or have previously completed, recognised English and Mathematics Level 2 qualifications.

Fire door awareness courses

Whether you want to complement your core studies with ACE by enhancing your awareness of fire door installation best practices, or you are an external apprentice or employer searching for a standalone training programme that covers this all-important topic, this Fire Door Installation Awareness course is for you.

You will need to achieve this accreditation in order to cut and fit fire doors to current standards.

By the end of our Fire Door Installation Awareness course, you will understand:

  • The role that timber fire door assembles and door sets play in preventing the spread of fire as part of a broader passive fire protection system – and why they must be installed correctly
  • The legislation you will need to follow when installing fire door assembles and door sets
  • What you need to consider before, during and after the installation

This is a one-day course that can be delivered at our premises or remotely. The cost is £500 per learner.

Please note that this course is for Level 3 Carpentry students only. It is a prerequisite to ensure these students are gateway ready for their End Point Assessment.

Contact us to learn more

Got a question? Want to discuss your prospects with a member of our team? Fill out the form on the contact us page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.